Monday, January 30, 2006


It is so cold here right now!!! We are expecting snow here tomorrow, which I'm tipping we will get as the day has got colder and colder.
So I got a pretty decent sleep last night, being Australian we get here first so I got the first pick out of the beds which means I got a decent mattress. I woke up at 4am and worked out it was 8pm there, which meant my tummy was ready for dinner, except it wasn't dinner time!
The showers at the school are pretty dodgy, I'm hoping my hair will hold out til I get to Chicago as it will take forever to wash it because the water comes out as a dribble. And there is no privacy. So I had the verylast shower night, knowing I'd be the only one in the bathroom so I could do nudey runs (mentally scaring info I know) in my thongs (flip flops) around the showers which I turned on to find the warmest water with the best spray of water, which wasn't good and it was a lukewarm shower. Horribly freezing but nice to clean myself after hours in the plane.
Today for breakfast I had bagels and cream cheese, how American!!! Then we ventured out the school and went to some shops down ther street. The American's we spoke to were nice. We were lucky not to be run down but a car as we kept looking in the wrong direction for traffic! It's so weird to see the same cars we have in Aus but with the steering wheel on the wrong side. I bought a coke (slightly different taste), a fudge brownie and a lighter for all of $4.32. I was almost bowled over by the cheapness of it! And we went to a discount store, which I would expect to be ran by Asians, like over there, but a nice American man ran it and he told us how his son had been living in Sydney for the past 8 months and looked it over there. Anwyay, they seriously do celebrate EVERY single holiday as he had stuff in there for Christmas, Valentine's Day, St. Pat's and Easter. I'm talking ornaments and decorations and all kinds of things. It was weird!
People have been arriving all day from different countires, a lot of them are from Brazil at the moment but I met a girl from Estonia just before, she has pretty good English. It's hard with the girls from South America as they have very limited and basic English. It's a bit hard because I keep thinking like a CanTeen member on camp, trying to ensure everyone is included but majoity of them have their own big groups and are nice but don't want to integrate much with us girls, maybe
it's because we are fluent English and they know very little. It's hard. There's a nice girl from Estonia and Argentina so that's interesting.
Tonight we are having pizza for dinner and there should be a lot more people arrive. Tomorrow we start classes and it will be pretty full on for the next few days. I'm not going to call home now til I get to Chicago as I spoke to mum before and whilst I didn't get upset she got pretty upset which was hard because there was nothing I could say to make it better.
Where I'm staying is a St. Johns College campus in Oakdale and is apprently hardly ever used anymore except for a few gradute classes once in a while. And it looks like it as the place is fairly run down. It would have been beautiful when it was in full operation as things wouldn't have over grown or become dangerous. The steps are white granite and there are great big wooden columns which have the paint flaking off them and there is like a courtyard thing attached to the main building which is all closed off as it probably isn't stable up there any more cause the steps are dodgy and the ground is uneven and god knows what else. I'll take photos.
Well I should go now, I might go watch more TV. They have so many channels but so many crap shows. I'm looking forward to dinner as I'm starving!
Take Care.


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