Sunday, February 05, 2006


So, I'm here, in Chicago. I got here on Friday evening, late, thanks to a delayed plane. Pat reminded me of Lynette of Desperate Housewives, she's pretty nice, stressed because of the family situation and because she has 3 very head strong kids to take care off plus having to say goodbye to someone who knew things backwards then saying hello to some (that's me) who has no idea how the hosuehold works. So yeah, massive adjustment for everyone.
So I'll start from Thursday, which was New York City. And what an awesome city! I'd never really had a massive desire to go to NYC but there is so much history and sites to see that it's on my must do list. It was hard because the tour was crammed into an afternoon and whilst the bus stopped at red lights we couldn't take decent photos of the sites being shown to us because the windows were dirty when thesun hit, so the glare in pictures sucked, plus i wasn't writting down what I saw. Here's a list of what I saw but might not be everything, it's just what I remember right now:
Empire State Building
Madison Ave
7th Ave (also known as Fashion Ave)
Times Square (absolutely amazing)
Statue of Liberty via the ferry from Mahattan to Staten Island and back (not a good view cause we weren't close, apparently it's been re-opened to climb to the top again so I'm going to do that!)
Tiffany and Co.
Park Plaza
The horses and bussy's which you can ride through Central Park on
Battery Park
The Globe which was wrecked but not completely on September 11
Ground Zero (which they are building another giant tower on! Did you know that?)
And heaps more I think but can't remember. So I want to go back again.

Friday was a fairly big nothing day, I spent majority of the day waiting at the airport then got to Chicago and met the kids.
Yesterday (Saturday) was really overwhelming. I thought I was never going to be able to do this, but felt wwwaaaaayyyyyy better today. Emily (the 1 y.o) really took to me by this arvo and was coming to me to be picked up and didn't mind when I changed her dirty "diaper" so we'll have fun together, plus, if she wants to throw a tantrum go ahead i say cause screaming doesn't phase me. My family is loud anyway! Matthew is the 6 y.o and a pretty good kid but I can see might be somewhat painful when it comes to taking orders as such. Like today, it's Superbowl today, and Pat's sister and her partner came over and gave Matthew a mini football so he was running around and throwing it, plus their dog Maddox was here, and saying to Matthew don't throw the ball was like a waste of time. He didn't listen or care. Otherwise he's good. I guess it's over excitement. Alex, the 10 y.o with the disability is pretty alright. She is managable. So at this stage I'm thinking it'll be a routine thing. I'll work on that.
I also drove today for the first time. I drove to the grocery store which is a whole other experience! They have everything pre made, so if you want a platter with celery and carrots and dip and cheese, it's right there for ya, already done, just pay for it, take it home and take off the wrapping. The variety here is double our variety at home, if not more. They have fresh meat and vegies and fruit too, which I was a little amazed at... I am so stupid! But yeah, so that was interesting. I'll be able to go back and look at everything when I have Emily by myself.
Last night I met up with other au pairs who live in the area. Sharmain from central Qld came and picked me up last night in her Beetle which her host family gave to her, and we went to Krissii's house to pick her up then onto TGI Friday's. I had a nice pineapple drink. I'm trying to do the healthy thing. I met a girl from Austria and Germany plus Marcella was there, who's from Mexico and was at the school with me so we knew one another. Kellie was busy I guess and didn't come. So it was nice to get out of the house. Next weekend I have Sunday off but have to go to an au pair meeting and also Monday so I'll ventrue around Gurnee on those days to check everything out, there are SO many shops here, it's incredible. I'll probably do downtown when I can go with the other au pairs. They're going next Saturday arvo, but I have to work for a couple of hours at that time.
So, not much else going on. I am doing more driving tomorrow and Pat will probably have to go out for a little while during the day so I'll be here alone with the kid/s. Then Tuesday I've got a half day alone so that'll be good to get the routine started. I started having a look at college courses today and thinking I might do a jewellery one working with metal!!! But anyway, I'll update you on that another time.
I hope everyone is well. Please keep me informed as to what is going on. I'm hoping to be able to keep on top of things now that I'm settling down. Plus I gave in the first day I arrived and asked mum to send my olld mobile so I can get a US sim card, that way I can call people and text. But I deleted everyone's numbers when I gave it to Rachel so please please PLEASE send me your mobile number (I had to say cell today so I was understood. Some people here don't understand me, weirdos).
I'm going! Have fun. Email me. Love you.


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