Tuesday, February 14, 2006

So behind!

First off, I am going to apologise to the people who are emailing me and I'm taking forever to reply. To tame my inbox to be slightly respectable it's tkaing me a good 2 hours at the moment, so the next time I get on I plan not to spend so muhc time but then the next time I have to spend like another 2 hours on it. I read all your emails, I love getting them, my replies are just slow. So don't stop sending them. Just forgive my delay if you experience one.
So, I'll try and keep this short and sweet as I just looked at my blog and I must give some of you numb bums making you read for that long!
I found scrapbooking heaven. I thought I found it on Saturday when I went to a craft store, it was good, but it was like a warm up for The Real Thing which I found yesterday at Gurnee Mills, the outlet mall near me. Archivers is like a hub of scrapbooking activity. I had to rush out when I walked in because I thought I'd wet myself if I didn't go to the toilet, I knew it wouldn't be a quick visit to that shop. It was great. I got so excited I wanted to start scrapbooking again but I'm still debating if I start my America or wait til I get home. But I want to make one of my favourite pictures so I could always do that. So much money!
Over the weekend I got out a bit. It was also when I was feeling better. Today I got outside and played "kick" with Matthew and Emily ran around. I think the 3 of us got drunk on fresh air, doesn't beat Bundy though which my mouth is watering for.
Thursday I'm off to Springfield as Pat has a convention and I'm looking after Alex and Matthew, Emily is going to stay with her grandparents overnight. I'll get to see the sights down there and learn about Lincoln. So that'll be a bit of history for me. It was Lincoln's birthday weekend just gone so hopefully something interesting will bo going on.
Sunday I'm going "downtown" and the girls want to go and check out the Greek district so I'm going to do that. And I've Monday off again so I might go downtown again by myself. Oh big and scary.
This weekend just gone I had my first LCC meeting which was in an antique shop (odd I know) so we looked at that, had some Valentine themed sugary food and then with the usual group of au pairs who I hang out with we went to Starbucks and veged out. I'm meeting some other au pairs tomorrow night from Pat's LCC group and then am out again on Friday night with the usuals. Going to Springfield on Thursday means I miss ladies night at some bar and kareoke, there's always next week! The girls play pool but let's not go into detail about my piss poor effort at that game.
Apart from that, nothing much else to report. Not so homesick anymore. Am trying to focus on making decisions about next year whilst also trying not to think about that. Bring on my 21st so I can start drinking because I'm dying for a drink. Only Krissii can drink so I'm going to get her organised for a big night out. Or down in the basement. Oh and screw not smoking. I had a mad day today and I'm dying for one right. Dying for a cigarette, interesting combination really.
Anyway, I'm going. It's almost 10 and I start work at 8 and I want to be alert, especially after today! By the way, we're expecting -12 celcius on Saturday, if the weather man is good at predicting weather!


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