Tuesday, May 23, 2006

so, i wake up this morning and was umming and ahhing about whether or not i should wash my bedding today (i'm quite a dirty person) and came to no conclusion until after emily went down for a nap and i started cleaning things up here. when i'm in an angry mood (not today) or if i'm feeling like my mind needs to be cleared then i live by the theory of clean outside means a clean inside. or will at least help getting the process of cleaning up my mind and thoughts going, so i decided to clean my bathroom. my bathroom is so clean right now i swear the white vanity is SHINING. previous to that it looked like i'd rinsed a rainbow down my sink (from my scrapbooking paints in red, purple, yellow, green and blue, i know it's missing orange) and the soap scum was gross. if someone had walked into the house and said can i use your bathroom i'd have taken them to another one. see, dirty person. so i used bleach and scrubbed my toilet to within an inch of it's life. i also threw out all this stuff emma had left and i had no use for. then i go to the bedroom and decide everything piece of clothing needs to be washed. then i start going through my 'important stuff' pile and realise some of it isn't so important anyway and if i put it there to remind me then fat load of good that did, so i through stuff out. it was like a mad clean which lasted about 45 minutes but it appears that when i'm so focused on something else, cleaning just happens without me being conscious of what i'm doing.
after that i realised i've been boring for about a month so this friday night i figure i should do something mildly social, so i might do that, depending on how much fucking around goes on with it really because i have to be at the airport at about 7:30am the next morning, i should go earlier, no doubt a long weekend might mean a busy airport. but then i figure, this weekend i'll be with another 21 y.o so we'll go out dirnking and partying. if i don't fall asleep from far too much educational siteseeing. at the moment i am reminding myself of the guy from eurotrip, the brother with the frommer's guy and he's really straight, yeah i've got my guides, i'll be seeing all the damn sights to be seen. and if it means bedtime at 7:30 then so be it. i just lost half the post because the modem went offline. but i do remember saying that of course i won't be going to bed at 7:30 because there'll be jas and lauren and we'll go out to dinner and a club and dance and hang out.
i also wrote stuff about my parents trip. and the trip we're doing together which changes on a daily basis. today i get an email saying that memphis isn't on the plan. i'll be a selfish little cow about that and demand it. and i don't care what people think, i only want to see one thing in memphis and it's graceland, if i'm only 3 hrs from it then i will see it! but anyway. mum is no scared that 5 days in gurnee won't allow her enough shopping time... she'll need a holiday when she gets home just to rest. especially when their flight is leaving at 6:25am on a friday, and because at the moment i want to spend every minute with them i want to drive them at the airport, which'll be at about 3am.
on the sickness front i'm pretty recovered, thank god for antibiotics and the bet buy of my life - travel insurance!
on the kids side of life things are pretty good. alex was a delight today so that was nice. matthew was a bit of but i'm guessing he's a lot going on in that little head of his. and emily, well she was a bit of a bully today... she pinched a girl at the park (i think because the little girl spoke to me) and then this afternoon she was hitting morgan (girl down the street), i'm beginning to think she has something against morgan because she does it a lot... anyway, because we weren't at home i couldn't exactly put her in a timeout so i was mildly clueles on how to settle it. at the park i just took her off the equipment and took her home (we'd been there an hour and a half already so she wasn't going to miss out on anything). but yeah, i see alex stubborness in her sometimes.
anyway, the second part of assignment is almost done, now all i've got to do is make sure everything fits into the budget and do the pretty draft of it and move onto the third and final part! easy peasy!
better go, hope everyone's good!
zak, if you read this before you go and i haven't emailed you then have an absolute blast, don't be worried about your plane crashing, the only thing wrong with the plane ride is the amount of hoursstuck on it!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow this is the 1st time, i've actually been allowed to access this it of the blog since it all started! damn work internet policy!

Hailey has booked, and all is a go!!!!!!


Have a great weekend.


1:04 AM  

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