Thursday, May 18, 2006

this weather reminds me of bloody melbourne

i hate bourbon. i hate it so much that all i need to do is take a sip of it and instantly want to vomit. i hate it so much i'd be willing to go pour the bottle i bought of it down the toilet with still majority of it in there. it reminds me of a party when i was 16 or 17, i drank a lot of bourbon then, til david re-introduced buny rum and i, who i hadn't been interested in since i was about 11 and took a sneaky nip of it from mum's cooking bottle. made me dry retch. gross. but anyway, so bourbon and this particular night. we're at chany's place and god only knows where her mum was that night and we were camping out (not enough room in the house) and i say to david, let's go halves in a bottle of jim beam. so that's ok, i go with chany's older brother and we buy the alcohol for the party, or he does, i just get it off the shelves. so david didn't want to start drinking til he's girlfriend (pip at the time, god she was a bitch and wannabe virgin mary) had left so i'm like, i'll drink my half then. well within a little while half was gone so i said i'd hide the rest in the microwave for him so no one would find it and steal it. you know who was stealing from it?? me. i got so wasted on the crap (david had maybe three cups of it, maybe more, i can't remember) that david took the bottle away from me, yelled at me and then i just managed to steal it bck off him and pour it in a coke bottle and give him the basically empty bottle saying i hadn't touched it. see, i hate the stuff. i can't remember if i drank it after that or turned to beer straight away. so that is why when i go out at night in this country and want a good spirit that my own spirit becomes a little homesick because i would kill, and i mean literally from across the room crash tackle the biggest, beefiest guy, for a bundy rum.
the days have been. shitty friggin weather. tuesday it rains in the morning then gets so warm in the afternoon that the sweatshirt i was wearing was too warm. yesterday the weather was lovely in the morning then turns to shit in the arvo and pisses down and it's cold. then today, nice enough day, cool breeze, then it's cold as fuck by this arvo. this weather is sending me CRAZY.
em and i had gymnastics today and she was such a little star. i love going to gymnastics, i just know my abs will hurt tomorrow but i don't care! oh and tomorrow i'm going for my license and this time plan to actually get to the testing stage, did i mention what happened last week? could only happen to someone like myself. i go in there without my proof of address AND passport, what a dumb thing to forget. so i come home to get them when i realise i'm wearing the same top as in my australian license and it makes me look terribly washed out so i decide to change then realise i can't after i take the top off because i've already been there and they might notice i changed my clothes. so i throw it back on, jump in the car and am not 5 minutes from the house when i realise my shirts on inside out, but i refuse to turn back and want to look for somewhere to switch it. i had to drive for ages finding somewhere and i finally find one of the quiet train stations and i do it then look up and a fucking cop car is there. i almost died. did he see me? no idea. so anyway, being the trooper i am i go to the licensing place, get past the point where i have to give my height, weight, do some eye test and go to the cashier and i didn't have cash, they only take cash and cheque. so i can't even go to testing stage! boy was i frustrated with myself. so tomorrow i'm going to wear a different top and take cash ith me.
oh and something more, sometimes when i speak i swear i hear a slight accent coming through but can never be sure because i still think i'm talking normally.
having fun though and dc next weekend for memorial. this weekend i've got the 5 mile or 5 km walk for my lcc meeting and sunday i'm working on the assignment.
love ya!
p.s. any mistakes i'm sorry, it's both mine and the keyboard's faults.


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