Thursday, February 23, 2006

on the up and up

I am feeling better now. Than earlier. You didn't know I wasn't happy earlier but I was just exhausted and tense. Now I'm not.
Massively big day. I will not go into detail about the screaming or the crying or the sheer desperation I felt when all I wantedto do was sleep and all Emily wanted to do was play. Mind you, it didn't phase her, I could sit there with my eyes closed and she didn't care for once that I wasn't actively playing with her.
Apart from that, I gave up the opportunity to go to some football homecoming tonight (I mildly regret that decision but we all know how horrible I am when I'm tired). Never did mention the extra hours I'm working, I felt too bad even thinking about it. And I'm wondering is she'll be kind enough to let me take the car up to Madison on the weekend?? Probably not because it's too much mileage. Ah well. I'll wait and see.
Now much else to report on. After tomorrow it's 49 weeks of self inflicted pain. It's not that bad but sometimes the bad days take a long time to go away.
Home got my parcel with some added goodies which were added after I closed the box... I had no idea what magnets she was talking about when she said she loved them, nor what toys she was questioning me sending... I've no idea what happened there. But I'm glad she liked them!! I wonder what they look like??
So, apart from the usual nothing going on. Am planning my drip to DC for Memorial Weekend, thinking about no internet in Florida (good god, I'll have to find an internet cafe) and looking at prices for hiring a car or flying down to Nashville when the folks get over here. Lots of plans. Need to execute them.
That's all, take care everyone, hope all is well. No doubt something exciting will happen soon. Or I'll just make it up!


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