Sunday, February 19, 2006

Something different...

Top 10 Things I Miss About Home (In no specific order)
: The smell of home.
: Mum's cooking, I'm dying for spag bol. Actually, all of mum's cooking.
: Work days at Swann, including having Dean and Lance tormenting me. Plus my back and forth emailing with certain people.
: Chelle.
: Mum, dad, Rachel and the dogs.
: Jojo.
: TV channels where I can actually find the TV show I want to watch!
: Having the temperature said the right way.
: Clinkers.
: People understanding my sense of humor!

I can't do a Top 10 Things I Don't Miss About Home yet as at the moment there isn't 10 things. There probably isn't many things.
Don't take this as a post of me being all depressed, it's just that there are things I often dream about, like this time of night I think about Swann and how much fun I had there, working or otherwise engaged. I know I bitched and moaned a lot, but the people are awesome. And also, I love my family, I don't think I understood how much until I walked through those doors at the airport and I thought my heart might burst out of my chest. And Clinkers, good god, American's can't do chocolate. But ya know, there's stuff I like about being here. The shopping, the history, the architecture in Chicago (where I finally went today!). So maybe the list should be "The Top 10 Things I Like About America". It's so cheap here. And there's so much to do, I don't know how I will ever get to do it all! Plus I forever feel like I've walked onto a movie set, it seriously is like I've already been to the country because of the movies.
Apart from that, I'm good. Spoke to home last night and I love listening to my mum waffle on. I've been driving heaps which is awesome. I spent some time on Friday night driving around and around in circles in a carpark to wait for the car to warm up while the other girls took forever coming out of the restaurant, Krissii thought it was the bestest (good grammar) fun ever. It was insane. Then I pretended to drive straight at Magda and slammed on the brakes at the last minute. Great fun. Lucky there ice hadn't hardened at that point cause I would've spun out of control. I didn't think about that at the time.
Anyway, I'm going to do some research on prices and go to bed!
Take care.


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