Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Angry Places

I saw Brokeback Mountain today and wow. You know I'll never understand why it was hardly showing at any cinemas in Melbourne. It was the most beautiful story. Jake Gyllenhaal is now my favourite actor after seeing that and Jarhead. He is awesome. But anyway, if you didn't see it yet, please do, it was a really good movie.
So today was another day. I'm looking forward to gymnastics tomorrow with Em. Last week was good for the two of us so I'm very excited about tomorrow! Alex again sent me to the angry places in my head. There is testing people and then there is just being a problem. At the moment Alex is in the latter catergory. I don't understand why every afternoon we have to have an argument over homework/washing our hands after we touch the bottom of our feet/not picking up Emily etc etc. It's ridiculous. Making me go crazy.
Apart from all that not much to report on, am not going out tonight. Will call home and chat to mum who's on leave from work and then have another early night because I am still tired. Could possibly be from smoking. Need to stop that.
I hope all's well! Miss you all!


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