Saturday, March 18, 2006

I think the party is finally over...

So I think today was my last day of birthday. Last night we went to Hooters for my birthday dinner and had an awesome time. The girls got me a big giant brownie/fudge cake and the Hooters girls bought it out (I didn't know they'd got me a cake) and they all sung me Happy Birthday. It was such a blast! I had so much fun.
Then we went to Firkin's and by this time there were about 15 or so of us. Firkin's is like a bar and it was all done up for St. Pat's and was surprising not packed so we got a table easy.
Anyway, so I'm sitting there talking to someone and these guys had sat down at the table next to us and the next thing I knew they said my name and Happy Birthday how exciting you're 21 show us your ID and I'm like, what?? Completely confused as to how they got that info and I'm like, how'd you find out? And they're like, we asked your friends what the occassion was. So the three Navy guys joined our table so we increased again and I think we were entertaining the table saround us with our constant picture taking, giggling and mucking about. And I drank! Oh god, I drank bourbon (I still think ew but I ain't drinking girly vodka and they don't have Bundy) and then topped it off with a shot of whiskey (don't ask! It was a goodbye for Krissii) so I was again, a little rosy.
Anyway, it was an awesome night. Then today I got Lozza's present (thanks Lozz!! Awesome choice!) and a card from Tara and Juraj (next door neighbours back home) so that was exciting.
Chelle says to me last night (via text) that (I'm trying to remember the exact words, I may have forgotten them due to alcohol and happiness) it seems like I found my youth. I was so responsible at home and I guess getting a second chance at being legal was just like, I'm going to do what I missed out on. To hell with how much it costs. If I want a beer at dinner, god damn I'm going to have a beer with dinner. I get a year to play and have fun then I can come home, go to uni and not worry about the partying because, been there done that! I feel really happy right now, content. Which for me, is slightly unusual. If something isn't working then so be it because then obviously right now it isn't supposed to be working. As long as I try my best to fix it I shouldn't push it to the point that I break it (reminds me of breaking Chelle's CD player when we were almost in Canberra while she was attempting to sing the Australian anthem to the tune of Working Class Man - still mentaly scarred by how mad I was).
So tomorrow I'm heading downtown to the aquarium. I didn't have time to tell that to the folks tonight as mum talked, and talked, and then added in a little more talk. Which is cool, I love talking to home, it's so exciting!
Tonight I went and saw She's The Man. I completely recommend it!!! Oh my god, that guy is so damn hot that I think he'll be in my dreams tonight (no more strange dreams to report on, I guess the abortion killed them off). Anyway, it was an awesome movie, hilarious, I loved it - YOU MUST GO SEE IT (when it comes out that is). I'm just going to take a little break tofind out who the hot guy is (I'd like to join my first name with his surname). Ok it's Channing Tatum. Uh, maybe I'll keep my surname. Anyway, HOT. Oh and I worked out what other movie he's in!!! He's the white guy in Coach Carter, also another movie I highly recommend.
Anyway, I'm boring you. I'm going to go to bed now. Check that guy out though ladies, sizzle sizzle sizzle.
Hope you had a good weekend!


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