Monday, March 13, 2006

Tornado Warnings and All!

Last night we got tornado warnings and the weather outside at the moment has the power to completely blow you over!! It keeps blowing open the door. I'm worried that Alex might fall over in it when she comes home and I'm picking up Matthew.
Anyway, my weekend was pretty good. I had the day off on Friday and did some errands and watched the beginning of Sixteen Candles then Sharmain, Krissii and I were going to go see Failure to Launch but by the time I picked them both up we were too late so went to Starbucks instead. Then came back to mine and got my clothes for Friday night and then headed to Sharmain's and got hers. Krissii cooked us spag bol at her place (yum yum) and went went to meet the girls and were going to see Failure to Launch but the cinema was full so went and played pool and bowled instead. Pretty exhausting so we had an early night.
On Saturday I worked and what a horrible day. Emily was still vomitting, Alex had woken up during the night and vomited and Pat was feeling well so all the activities were cancelled and I just hung around here and looked after Emily and Alex while Pat took Matthew for a bike ride, it was like 15 degrees here on Saturday, t-shirt weather! I spent over an hour in the arvo cleaning the house up because Pat had no energy and it was looking like a bomb had hit it. So I cleaned and disinfected almost every surface they all touch, I didn't want to get sick!
Saturday night Magda, Sharmain, Krissii and I finally went to see Failure To Launch then I came home and called Chelle. Failure To Launch was an alright movie, whenever I look at Sarah Jessica Parker all I see is the witch from Hocus Pocus.
On Sunday we all went to a flee market in Grayslake, I bought mum a nice lace table runner and dad some antique (but fake) Confederate money. There was some cool stuff but at the same time, it was a Trash n Treasure market and sometimes the almost could be trash is overly priced. We went to see Trans America in the arvo. Very good movie, I highly recommend it. Felicity Hoffman played the character so well.
Today I started work at 10 and it's my Australian birthday today so that would probably be why I hardly got a good night's sleep last night. I couldn't get to sleep in the first place so decided to plan my trip before I leave and look at dates for when I can go to Philidelphia as well as plan the week that I'm having off in November to spend with Chelle (hopefully) and Lozz (definitely). I was probably anxious about the tornado warning as well. I don't know! I woke up far too early as well and forced myself back to sleep, I was going to get up early and go to the post office but changed my alarm because of the lack of sleep.
Tomorrow I'm only working 8-11:30 and then going to get my hair cut before home and Chelle call me. I've got another massage in the arvo too so I'll try and get more relaxation than pain this time!
I was talking to Pagan (girl I flew over with and spent a week in New York with) last night on MSN and she said to me that out of the 8 Aussie girls who came over she thinks I was the one who had the busiest social calander. Can you imagine that??? Me?! Social. How strange. But Krissii leaves for Boston on Saturday for her new family and Sharmain finishes within about 8 weeks then I'll be left with Madga the Austrian and a couple of Mexican's. Hopefully at that point in time life will slow down and I will stop spending so much money. Angelika leaves this weekend so we're saying goodbye to her which will be sad and she's being replaced by another German. I need to start doing things on the cheap because I'm going through $80 within 3 days, which isn't good and doesn't fit in with my budgeting. It wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't using my credit card all the time as well.
But anyway, that's about all from me now. I finished watching Sixteen Candles before and Jake Ryan was a hottie! If I was Samantha I'd be wanting him too!
Have fun!


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