Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Something different.

Seeing as my life is uneventful for the moment (except I just checked my credit accout and it appears I've been spending more money than I thought...) I thought I might write a schedule for how one of my usual 8-5:30 days go. I don't always work those hours, but I'd say at least 3 days a week I do.
7:20-7:40: Alarm goes off, depends how I felt the night before. Roll around in bed. Get up, get dressed and tell myself, tomorrow I will make bed.
8am: Come upstairs, Alex and Matthew already gone to school. Generally Emily and Pat are upstairs so I might unpack the dishwasher, stare out the window, make hot chocolate, make Emily's breakfast.
8:20am:Generally Pat is leaving about this time so I try and divert Emily's attention away from Pat leaving. Never works but the crying and screaming doesn't last so long anymore.
8:45-10:30am: Depending on if I'm going out or not during this time I will dress Emily, play with her, clean up and breifly check my emails to see if there's anything interesting. If I'm going to the grocery or out somewhere then we will head out at about 9:15am, depending cause not much opens before 10am.
11am-2pm this time at the moment Emily is napping. Generally she goes down between 11 and 12 apparently, but the previous week and a bit it has been before 11. This is my favourite time of the day. I sit down and watch DVD's, tidy up again, check emails, sometimes talk to people online, do some ironing and folding if I must, check the mail, have lunch etc etc. Today I'm thinking I might have a shower because it's too cold at night to wash my hair and sleep on it and in the morning I like to keep the feeling of sleep on me for just a little longer. Plus I love my arvo showers!
2:30pm: By this time Emily has generally woken up if she went down at 11am or before. If she woke earlier I give her lunch but 2:30 is the cut off because soon we will go and pick up Matthew from the bus stop.
3pm: If I haven't left already I am running late. Matthew's bus gets in from anywhere between 3:10-3:35 (that was a once off and it was yesterday, not happy Jan). During this time Emily goes through two moods, one of them is happiness, delighted by being able to point out all the buses, the other is sheer pissed offness which when you're sitting in a car and know you can't go anywhere is pure hell and if I turn and look at her half the time she gets louder.
3:30pm onwards: We get home and Alex is already here, hopefully sitting at the table and beginning her homework. I prepare arvo snacks which could also look like a meal, no wonder they don't want to eat at dinner. And these snacks aren't just grab something from the cupboard either. We're talking full blown put it in a pot and heat it up or heat up the oven, put them on a tray, put them in the oven, wait for them. If I can manage it I help Alex with her homework. Generally Emily is crawling all over things, being possessive over chairs and screaming. This is the bad time of the day because her mood has gone from slightly managable to plain out of control. By the time Pat gets home she's even worse. The two days of domestic bliss I had last week were lovely and I crave for more of them. If I get them, great, if not, I'll deal.
5:30pm: I've finished and it's dinner time. Seeing as I have dinnr here almost every night I endure another hour or so with the kids as sending myself off down the basement so early doesn't seem so inviting.
So that's my day. Bit different to every other job I've had. Sometimes it's full on, expecially if I didn't sleep well the night before or went to bed late because my patience and temper is very short so I end up doing a little bit of forceful talking. Sometimes I feel like I'm bashing my head against a brick wall. But other times it's fun and I feel my heart swell up when the kids make me pictures and tellme they love me. They're nice times. But I must admit, Matthew talks so much if he's to ask me this morning about what we were speaking about in the car this morning I would not honestly be able to say because I've become an expert at turning off and going on auto pilot with my responses.
Hope all's well.


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