Thursday, June 08, 2006

welcome summer VACATION

when i say summer holidays no one understands me! anyway, so officially all three kids are home with me for the next 76 days or somthing. or that's how many days of vacation they have (if i remember correctly). and i've figured we'll be spening a lot of time at the pool so, that means i have to get serious about swimmers because to be honest, i haven't done swimmers regularly for like, actualy i've no idea how long. i also require shorts. i haven't worn shorts for at least 3 years. apart from boardies and that was clearly not very regularly. but i'm psyched about it actually! imagine how brown i'll be. i'll have to apply sunscreen liberally of course because of how white i am from years of no sun exposure until it gets to it.
last night we went out to friday's, couldn't sing cause i still can't hear myself and i'm still snotty but it was alright. we didn't sit in the bar, which is a bummer because i can't smoke so i was back and forth in there. i hate sitting there knowing people were staring, i caught an old guy and knew another was cause i could see him out of the corner of my eye but because it would require turning my heard a full 45 degree angle i couldn't catch him out. freaked me out, i thought i had something stuck to my face or something. weirdos. i smoked quickly after that.
this weekend i've got off so will go to navy pier and watch the fireworks on saturday night and might go to evanston (i dunno what's there, but magda has been wanting to for ages). friday night might be a quiet one, depending on what the girls are doing, they want to go to a spanish club downtown but i'm not too keen, i don't know any spanish as much as i try (not much to be completely honest) and it involves getting downtown and i can't drink cause i'll have to drive back from the train station. we'll see.
have good weekend!
p.s. next week is our gymnastics show!! hopefully won't be a disaster as emily was in a terrible mood today and we had to leave early as she didn't want anything to do with the whole idea of it.


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