Friday, May 26, 2006

lost my mind

i bought two pairs of shoes today. that's mildly unlike me. especially when i get paid and decided to go and splurge on stuff. granted one pair of shoes was required as my haviana's aren't all that supportive of my feet but the second pair was bought cause i could get them half price. and then i got credit top up for my cell and followed up by a visit to borders where i couldn't get a nin cd (i dunno why) but got the new goo goo dolls cd which the girl at the check out decided to tell me it wasn't their best and it took her many listens to decide if she liked it or not (she decided it was alright). her advice would have been great if i'd been in that mood of i don't care what you say i want it. but i wasn't and walked out mildly doubting the purchase. but nevermind. if i don't like it i'll give it to chelle as a present. so thoughtful. now the other thing which has happened is i've 'misplaced' my sunnies. this wouldn't be a problem if they were cheap ones and easily replaced, but seeing as they are prescription and that i love them it is a problem. and i've been trying to back track to when i last saw them (i took them to my room wednesday night - by the way i had a feeling on wednesday night i was going to loose them because they weren't in my handbag) but i've had no luck. i've turned my bed upside down in hope that they got tangled in the doona after forgetting i'd put them there but no, not there, i also checked down the side of my bed, also, not there. i've checked the drawers incase emily came in and moved them and i still can't find them! i need them as it's getting sunny again. i think my glases are going to put me in an early grave with the stress they're causing me.
and now, to finish up this babbling, i won't be posting til maybe tuesday night my time. meaning wednesday morning australia time. i'm off to d.c (finally) tomorrow and am getting back late monday night. i'll probably be checking emails so am contactable that way. so have a lovely weekend, or i hope you did, and you shall be hearing from me soon!


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