Monday, February 26, 2007

Ok, I've joined MySpace. Don't know how long that affair will last for seeing as the two of us don't seem to be meshing well...
So much to tell and not enough time! I start back at the insurance company tomorrow, yay -money! They offered me a 6 month contract to work out whether I'm still planning on going to uni or not, at this point in time I am.
Have also been looking at cars to buy as that is up the top of my things to purchase list.
Have only really caught up with Lozz as everyone else is up in Wodonga or at work and I'll be doing all that stuff tomorrow!
Anyway better go, I've lots of things to do and yesterday was a very unproductive day, I went into the city and Rach waxed my eyebrows, arms and underarms - if someone says to me that underarms don't hurt to be waxed then all I can think is go to hell with that thought, talk about friggin pain. And now when I get goosebumps I actually look like a goose on my ams. Feels nice though!
You can now find me at
I think...


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