Wednesday, May 31, 2006

so apparently i'm boring lately! sorry to inform you but it's normal life here and nothing exciting much happens apart from exciting kid stuff. but i could be home soon due to some bad news received from home tonight. waiting on test results and then to find out if it's worth me coming back or continuing on with the year and doing the best i can to support from a distance.
d.c was awesome but i'm still exhausted from it. got very delayed when leaving on monday so ended up back here 2 and a half hours late, almost without my luggage.
i did see george w bush as most of you will know by now. i had an amazing time and loved it. it was in the 30's every day so am very brown, even a little sunburned still. alex kept commnting on my very brown face yesterday afternoon when she saw me for the first time since friday arvo.
didn't get any party action as we spent the whole time walking around sight seeing. plus jas informed me that she doesn't dance so i was let down by that piece of news, i don't do dancing by myself unless i'm too far gone. probably just a swell because we were sleeping in a room which was hotter inside than it was outside, laugh all you want about me not being a backpakcing type but it's terribly true, i can't do hostels but have to because of money constraints, will now ensure all hostels i stay at have a/c and heating.
anyway, that's all for now as i want to go to sleep.

Sunday, May 28, 2006


i know i said i wouldn't be posting til next week except i wanted to check my emails and i have a 30 minute minimum so i want to get my full $3 worth. anyway! d.c! so freaking hot. i should have checked the paper for the temps instead of email lauren on monday and find out from her because the temp has gone up 10 degrees than what was predicted on monday. and people who used to laugh and make jokes about me never being able to be a backpacker, well too bloody right. hostels aren't really my thing. but apart from that boring stuff, i've seen so mcuh! we were walking around for hours yesterday, just strolling and finding stuff, so we first set out for the white house, which is SO white. and pretty big. i always knew it was big, but i don't know what else to say about it because we've all seen it before and it's just like the movies and the tv shows and all the rest of it. then we walked down to the washington monument (big giant triangle point in the sky, very impressive). from there we went over to the world war 2 memorial (couldn't find australia anywhere) and checked that out, very nice, but so many people around. we walked the length of the reflecting pool (remember forrest gump and the sene where he's talking in front of the massive rally and suddenly jenny is yelling 'forrest' and running through that pond?? well that's the reflecting pool), it was pretty gross, full of sludge and not really giving off the vibe that you could reflect there... at the top of that is the lincoln memorial. by this time we could manage the steps so we sat down the bottom and looked, i will go back up there at some point before i go because i'd love to see it up close.
because it's the long weekend people are everywhere so some of the pictures aren't as perfect as they can be.
today we're off to arlington cemetry for a ceremony and off to explore it. i'm VERY excited about that. i also need to go to a clothes shop of some type and buy another t-shirt as i came with clothes for more mild weather...
anyway, better go, jas and i are late to meet lauren and i still have 8 minutes left on here, i'll have to give them away.
oh and one more thing, i flew united yesterday, WAY better than american. so much leg room, so much so i didn't use it all no matter how hard i tried, short of sliding down my seat so my head was on the bum part. so if you are ever debating which one to fly, i say united, a bigger plane and more leg room!
love ya

Friday, May 26, 2006

lost my mind

i bought two pairs of shoes today. that's mildly unlike me. especially when i get paid and decided to go and splurge on stuff. granted one pair of shoes was required as my haviana's aren't all that supportive of my feet but the second pair was bought cause i could get them half price. and then i got credit top up for my cell and followed up by a visit to borders where i couldn't get a nin cd (i dunno why) but got the new goo goo dolls cd which the girl at the check out decided to tell me it wasn't their best and it took her many listens to decide if she liked it or not (she decided it was alright). her advice would have been great if i'd been in that mood of i don't care what you say i want it. but i wasn't and walked out mildly doubting the purchase. but nevermind. if i don't like it i'll give it to chelle as a present. so thoughtful. now the other thing which has happened is i've 'misplaced' my sunnies. this wouldn't be a problem if they were cheap ones and easily replaced, but seeing as they are prescription and that i love them it is a problem. and i've been trying to back track to when i last saw them (i took them to my room wednesday night - by the way i had a feeling on wednesday night i was going to loose them because they weren't in my handbag) but i've had no luck. i've turned my bed upside down in hope that they got tangled in the doona after forgetting i'd put them there but no, not there, i also checked down the side of my bed, also, not there. i've checked the drawers incase emily came in and moved them and i still can't find them! i need them as it's getting sunny again. i think my glases are going to put me in an early grave with the stress they're causing me.
and now, to finish up this babbling, i won't be posting til maybe tuesday night my time. meaning wednesday morning australia time. i'm off to d.c (finally) tomorrow and am getting back late monday night. i'll probably be checking emails so am contactable that way. so have a lovely weekend, or i hope you did, and you shall be hearing from me soon!

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Not much news to report on. Had a little accident with my glasses while Emily and I were mucking around so took them to Pearle Vision (like OPSM I guess) to have the lense put safely back into the frame (it hadn't come out, but had moved out of the safety of the frame) and they managed to chip the lense and make a complete botch job when I pretty much demanded the lense be back back in (the idiot woman bought the glasses back out to me with the lense completely out and chipped) and because she hadn't given me the spiel about whatever damage caused during this they aren't accountable for because I hadn't purhcased them there I demanded they replace the lense free of charge. It had been a long day and that had topped it off so I was pretty highly strung. So now I'm going through the drama of trying to get the script from home. It was only a matter of time before something happened to them when I was working but it wasn't so major so I probably could have gone without them being perfectly fixed. And because they were damaged and I had to wear my old glasses to NYC I refuse for the same to happen this time (don't ask why, some complex I have, it's because I came to the conclusion that the old frames hid my face...) so I'm wearing them with the little chip in the corner (outside of my vision luckily).
Apart from that Emily has been a bit testy. She's throwing tantrums when she isn't getting what she wants so Pat said tonight if we come down hard on her hopefully this little trait won't be a permanent one. It happened to me twice yesterday, once leaving the library and again in Marhsall's (a department store, lucky I hadn't been into it until now because if my credit card wasn't maxed out it would be after I went there again without Em!). Plus she's hitting people, she hit a boy at gymnastics today, and took a swipe at Matthew this afternoon so that really needs to go. She went to pinch me today but I moved my hand away before she got the chance.
Alex has been good, very excited about going up to north Wisconsin for the weekend with her dad and his parents so that's probably taken some pressure off her usual mood. Plus her aide at school has changed which had a noticible affect within 24 hours.
Matthew is fine, excited about the olympics which he's got on tomorrow at school nd about the weekend as well.
I'm excited about my weekend but very tired and flat at the moment and I should go and have a shower and pack but think I'll just shower and pack tomorrow when I finish work. It's been a long week. I also idn't meet tonight's deadline with my assignment but I'm not overly fussed as I've done so much that next week should be a breeze.
Hope all's well with everyone!

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

so, i wake up this morning and was umming and ahhing about whether or not i should wash my bedding today (i'm quite a dirty person) and came to no conclusion until after emily went down for a nap and i started cleaning things up here. when i'm in an angry mood (not today) or if i'm feeling like my mind needs to be cleared then i live by the theory of clean outside means a clean inside. or will at least help getting the process of cleaning up my mind and thoughts going, so i decided to clean my bathroom. my bathroom is so clean right now i swear the white vanity is SHINING. previous to that it looked like i'd rinsed a rainbow down my sink (from my scrapbooking paints in red, purple, yellow, green and blue, i know it's missing orange) and the soap scum was gross. if someone had walked into the house and said can i use your bathroom i'd have taken them to another one. see, dirty person. so i used bleach and scrubbed my toilet to within an inch of it's life. i also threw out all this stuff emma had left and i had no use for. then i go to the bedroom and decide everything piece of clothing needs to be washed. then i start going through my 'important stuff' pile and realise some of it isn't so important anyway and if i put it there to remind me then fat load of good that did, so i through stuff out. it was like a mad clean which lasted about 45 minutes but it appears that when i'm so focused on something else, cleaning just happens without me being conscious of what i'm doing.
after that i realised i've been boring for about a month so this friday night i figure i should do something mildly social, so i might do that, depending on how much fucking around goes on with it really because i have to be at the airport at about 7:30am the next morning, i should go earlier, no doubt a long weekend might mean a busy airport. but then i figure, this weekend i'll be with another 21 y.o so we'll go out dirnking and partying. if i don't fall asleep from far too much educational siteseeing. at the moment i am reminding myself of the guy from eurotrip, the brother with the frommer's guy and he's really straight, yeah i've got my guides, i'll be seeing all the damn sights to be seen. and if it means bedtime at 7:30 then so be it. i just lost half the post because the modem went offline. but i do remember saying that of course i won't be going to bed at 7:30 because there'll be jas and lauren and we'll go out to dinner and a club and dance and hang out.
i also wrote stuff about my parents trip. and the trip we're doing together which changes on a daily basis. today i get an email saying that memphis isn't on the plan. i'll be a selfish little cow about that and demand it. and i don't care what people think, i only want to see one thing in memphis and it's graceland, if i'm only 3 hrs from it then i will see it! but anyway. mum is no scared that 5 days in gurnee won't allow her enough shopping time... she'll need a holiday when she gets home just to rest. especially when their flight is leaving at 6:25am on a friday, and because at the moment i want to spend every minute with them i want to drive them at the airport, which'll be at about 3am.
on the sickness front i'm pretty recovered, thank god for antibiotics and the bet buy of my life - travel insurance!
on the kids side of life things are pretty good. alex was a delight today so that was nice. matthew was a bit of but i'm guessing he's a lot going on in that little head of his. and emily, well she was a bit of a bully today... she pinched a girl at the park (i think because the little girl spoke to me) and then this afternoon she was hitting morgan (girl down the street), i'm beginning to think she has something against morgan because she does it a lot... anyway, because we weren't at home i couldn't exactly put her in a timeout so i was mildly clueles on how to settle it. at the park i just took her off the equipment and took her home (we'd been there an hour and a half already so she wasn't going to miss out on anything). but yeah, i see alex stubborness in her sometimes.
anyway, the second part of assignment is almost done, now all i've got to do is make sure everything fits into the budget and do the pretty draft of it and move onto the third and final part! easy peasy!
better go, hope everyone's good!
zak, if you read this before you go and i haven't emailed you then have an absolute blast, don't be worried about your plane crashing, the only thing wrong with the plane ride is the amount of hoursstuck on it!

Sunday, May 21, 2006

big news!

well, i feel i'm making a nice recovery. the meds kicked in within 24 hours and that time went quickly after i gave into the pain and took some of my precious nurofen plus and then spoke to home for a few hours (i wish they'd spoken more because i did majority of the speaking which hurt my throat) but then i knocked myself out with two mersyndol nights (they're super precious cause they still have the knocking me out effect) and then slept through til this morning and slept for most of the day. minus getting up this morning with this fixated idea that i HAD to go and buy baskin robbins ice cream. i've never had it before so decided since it was the only thing which my stomach wanted then i would let it have it. it took me an hour and a stop at krispy kreme and a scrapbooking shop to locate one. i swore there was one somewhere else but i went there and there was just a dunkin donuts which i didn't want. so i found one. came home, fund greg and his mum here who scared the bejeezus out of me. but this isn't the big news. i just went downstairs to get a donut (an original glazed lemon filled - i've had a relaly bad food day so as of tomorrow emily and i will be walking a lot before my friday morning date with the scales) anyway, hurry up kelly, i check my phone and there's a message from mum saying... THEY'VE BOUGHT THEIR TICKETS!!!!!!!!!!! mum didn't add all the exclamation marks, i did that. i'm so psyched and excited and how can i sleep now?! anyway, my parents are coming in august my parents are coming in august my parents are coming in august. the chant doesn't work with typing it and trying to chant it at the same time.
anyway, so they're coming. i was just called self centred about my very opiniated view on painted wood (i hate it) and someone from school just told me he always thought i was great. what a laugh. i'm not laughing at him, just the thought of someone thinking that!
anyway, so that's pretty much the end of the post. i didn't finish the assignment but i will this week, i got the first third done and i'm half way through the second third. the last third is eays peasy. so, i'm going now. i have to work in the morning and being sick and all i should have gone to bed earlier, except the season finale of desperate housewives was on - what a juicy finale, mind you, a bit annoying!

Saturday, May 20, 2006


i got my illinois drivers license yesterday!!! and it's probably the best i.d. photo i've ever had! so that was a great high. but now the great low... last night i felt like my tonsils were swelling again then at 5:30am i wake up in agony and have to take some nurofen plus to ease the pain so i can sleep again. so i get up today and go for the 5km walk (it was lovely, i'm going again when i'm better) then i decide i want cheesecake to make my throat feel better, so some of the girls and i drive off to the cheesecake factory and have sickening cheesecake. by this time i was like, i really don't feel good so i drove back here and got my insurance stuff and went to the doctor where they diagnosed me with... strep throat. the most painful thing in the world. my mouth hurts, my gums hurt, my teeth really hurt, my neck is not very mobile, the whole right side of my face feel like someone has taken a baseball bat to it and my throat! dear god my throat. it's like everytime i swallow i get stabbed a few times in the throat. i'd prefer to drool than swallow. i almost cried when the doctor told me because tonsilitis is better than strep. anything is btter than this horrible infection. and nothing is making me feel better. i don't think i can eat because it involves chewing and that is one thing i can't do much of. and i'm struggling to talk because i don't want to use my mouth. so now i'm waiting til i can go and gets the meds from walgreens, apparently it's a wait, they obviously haven't had strep.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

this weather reminds me of bloody melbourne

i hate bourbon. i hate it so much that all i need to do is take a sip of it and instantly want to vomit. i hate it so much i'd be willing to go pour the bottle i bought of it down the toilet with still majority of it in there. it reminds me of a party when i was 16 or 17, i drank a lot of bourbon then, til david re-introduced buny rum and i, who i hadn't been interested in since i was about 11 and took a sneaky nip of it from mum's cooking bottle. made me dry retch. gross. but anyway, so bourbon and this particular night. we're at chany's place and god only knows where her mum was that night and we were camping out (not enough room in the house) and i say to david, let's go halves in a bottle of jim beam. so that's ok, i go with chany's older brother and we buy the alcohol for the party, or he does, i just get it off the shelves. so david didn't want to start drinking til he's girlfriend (pip at the time, god she was a bitch and wannabe virgin mary) had left so i'm like, i'll drink my half then. well within a little while half was gone so i said i'd hide the rest in the microwave for him so no one would find it and steal it. you know who was stealing from it?? me. i got so wasted on the crap (david had maybe three cups of it, maybe more, i can't remember) that david took the bottle away from me, yelled at me and then i just managed to steal it bck off him and pour it in a coke bottle and give him the basically empty bottle saying i hadn't touched it. see, i hate the stuff. i can't remember if i drank it after that or turned to beer straight away. so that is why when i go out at night in this country and want a good spirit that my own spirit becomes a little homesick because i would kill, and i mean literally from across the room crash tackle the biggest, beefiest guy, for a bundy rum.
the days have been. shitty friggin weather. tuesday it rains in the morning then gets so warm in the afternoon that the sweatshirt i was wearing was too warm. yesterday the weather was lovely in the morning then turns to shit in the arvo and pisses down and it's cold. then today, nice enough day, cool breeze, then it's cold as fuck by this arvo. this weather is sending me CRAZY.
em and i had gymnastics today and she was such a little star. i love going to gymnastics, i just know my abs will hurt tomorrow but i don't care! oh and tomorrow i'm going for my license and this time plan to actually get to the testing stage, did i mention what happened last week? could only happen to someone like myself. i go in there without my proof of address AND passport, what a dumb thing to forget. so i come home to get them when i realise i'm wearing the same top as in my australian license and it makes me look terribly washed out so i decide to change then realise i can't after i take the top off because i've already been there and they might notice i changed my clothes. so i throw it back on, jump in the car and am not 5 minutes from the house when i realise my shirts on inside out, but i refuse to turn back and want to look for somewhere to switch it. i had to drive for ages finding somewhere and i finally find one of the quiet train stations and i do it then look up and a fucking cop car is there. i almost died. did he see me? no idea. so anyway, being the trooper i am i go to the licensing place, get past the point where i have to give my height, weight, do some eye test and go to the cashier and i didn't have cash, they only take cash and cheque. so i can't even go to testing stage! boy was i frustrated with myself. so tomorrow i'm going to wear a different top and take cash ith me.
oh and something more, sometimes when i speak i swear i hear a slight accent coming through but can never be sure because i still think i'm talking normally.
having fun though and dc next weekend for memorial. this weekend i've got the 5 mile or 5 km walk for my lcc meeting and sunday i'm working on the assignment.
love ya!
p.s. any mistakes i'm sorry, it's both mine and the keyboard's faults.

Monday, May 15, 2006

hello! it was such a nothing day. i had a nice sleep in and never got around to doing more of my assignment! i was going to attempt some now but realised the season finale of grey's anatomy is on in 20 minutes so well give it a miss tonight and try again tomorrow night. even though i slept in i still feel tired. i got some scrapbooking done but culdn't just kep going at it as i was using paint so had to wait for that to dry before i could go on. i did get to the library and spent an hour there (!!!). i've got a lot of books to keep me going when i can't find anything on tv and got a couple on dc to take with me and one on atlanta. did i mention the roadtrip mum, dad and i are going to do? did i even mention that their plans have changed AGAIN and they are now coming??? anyway, so they're coming at the end of the first week of august and in the second week we're going to fly into memphis and see graceland (it's the week before elvis' anniversary so we had to do it at the beginning to avoid a rush) and stay the night, then drive to nashville and spend a night there, then we'll head to atlanta for a couple of days and if time permits we'll go to savannah. i'm very excited about atlanta especially after reading some of the travel guide today. of all the guides i've read this one has made me decide that atlanta will probably be my favouite place. or at least it's my favouite place to read about. they said they have very distinct seasons! that means everything to me right now, bugger unseasonably cold weather, i want a perfect four seasons! after the trip they'll come back up here and spend about a week before going home. so my ability to save is going to kick in and i'm going to save squillions! at least squillions isn't a defined number so i can make it whatever i want to be!
so for the week i'm doing 3 days of ten hours and so that will no doubt tire me a little bit. and emily and i are going to keep going with gymnastics so i'm VERY excited about that! on saturday i've got a 5 mile walk for cystic fibrois (sp?) and magda wants to go downtown on sunday but it will be my last chance at spending a good few hours on the assignment so i might miss it.
anyway, will go now so i can have a quick shower and clean up my bed (scrapbooking stuff and books ALL OVER IT) before i climb in and watch tv!
have fun

Sunday, May 14, 2006

and so it begins again

another week is about to begin and i've got tomorrow off which should be nice. i'll do some scrapbooking and the assignment i've got and go to the library as well.
this weekend was alright, friday night i was feeling a little sluggish and down so i stayed home and called chelle then chany rang me. so it turned into a nice night of being reminded of home. not in a sad "i want to go home" way, just that i didn't feel so out of touch with everyone. saturday i worked for a few hours and then went out for marcella's b'day. there had been so much drama with the damn birthday through the week that it had gotten to the point that i didn't even want to go. but there was a good point, i had a perfect corona. it wasn't any different to any other corona but they must have refrigerated it to the perfect temperature. so i had this perfect corona which made the night a little better but still there was bitchiness but not out there bithciness. at least i make it clear how i feel rather than pretending. and bloody idiot sabrina, i can't wait til she goes home (did i mention she is being sent home because she was caught drinking underage [we can't do that on the visa if you're under 21, clearly i can because i'm 21]??) yeah so she gets in the car (i was driving them all home) and she asks me to take her to nick's (a dodgy bar) and i said "no, i'm taking you home, i don't agree with what you're doing" (i'm so self righteous) but half way in their direction (did i also mention it's in the complete oppostie direction to me??) the fuel light comes on and she manipulates the situation and i end up right next door to the horrible place and she jumps out of the car. little bitch. if i felt inclined i could easily flatten her and i think if i spend more than minutes with her before she leaves thne i think i might just end up doing that. so i'm avoiding social activites til she goes.
but, on my neediness for drunkeness i bought a bottle of bourbon and had a glass last night but was on the phone to home and already felt my speech playing up so didn't drink anymore. by the time i get home i'll be able to get drunk so quickly i'll be the cheapest person to take out! mum told me she thought i should come home for mother's day. this time i laughed rather than wished i did. plus realy, when i think about all the stuff that i've got on it almost fills up til i go home so really, time is flying!!
anyway, that's pretty much it. i ate badly today and my body is telling me so. plus i'm tired AGAIN. like the story of my life. "how are you today?" "tired" it's my reply every day! bor-ING. ok, going now. otherwise i'll ramble for hours.
love ya
p.s. hey swann, you guys are coming up to end of financial year party huh? lucky s.o.b's! that was the best night that one. remember that jojo? even the alcohol consumed won't fog over the memory of getting home!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

kids are so tiring

so the past few days have had some ups and downs. for the progress alex and i had made it went downhill yesterday with her lying to me (i used to do it so much to my parents but now find it so infuriating it makes me see white hot anger).
ok, so i started this last night and didn't bother to post it as it wasn't much to post and because i was emotional (nothing to worry about).
anyway, i'm fucked. i've been staying up late every night this week and last night was super late as I run out of cigarettes and decided at midnight that I needed another one, and a couple of rums. actually i wanted to get drunk. it was after friggin midnight and i made this decision. very stupid and crazy. so after 1am i finally fell asleep.
today was alight. i got a sleep in and ignored my text messages in the night so i didn't go through the tossing and turning again. emily and i went to gymnastics this morning. it was so good! she balanced on the balance beam (just off the ground) all by herself! that's an amazing deal for kids. and then we're waiting to have a go at one of the skills and she's on a wedge and does tumble turns by herself. she does all this stuff when she thinks no one is looking but is ever so pleased with herself when i get so excited. it was great. i was filled with such happiness with how much progress she is making. she even let the teacher spot her today and not me. this stuff excites me.
matthew was pretty lethargic again when he came home today and soccor practise was called off because of the cold, rainy, miserable weather. i don't mind it being rainy and miserable, i love that weather, but COLD? no, you can have the cold. so tonight we all went off to alex's open school night and i wished i'd taken my camera because the school was just like a classroom in a movie! pat laughed hen i said about my camera but i was dead serious! they've got lizards in there and a turtle and all this sort of stuff. mind you, reptiles aren't my thing... so, anyway, while i'm there i get roped into (i make it sound like i wasn't excited...) into going in for multicultural day. but my mind was already running 100 miles at hour at what i could do! so i'm going to wear in my boon shirt (you know the one jo and ang, we wore it when we did the cricket thing and i got the rash from that moustache?!?!) and the down under bowl hat david gave me before i left and i'm going to stick australia flag tattoos on alex (the ones you gave me jo) an i'll make damper and take in vegemite to go with it (courtesy of jo again) and i'll get rach to end me some chicken twisties and clinkers (extra for myself of course...) and if anyone wants to donate then i will need them to be sent by monday at the latest. email me at for my address. we're going to make a poster this weekend. so yes, i'm very excited!!! i'm also going to start practising a real australian accent. and alex too, she needs to get g'day mate perfect. oh and send me some australian terms. oh lozz you're handy for that! remember the book you told me about in borders in scotland?? can you let me know what it's called so i can search for it her.e mind you i don't want to pay for it. send erin in and get her to sit down and write some down. it's not plagarism, it's for a school project. this is turning into an email.
so, the weekend will be quiet. i will probably try and avoid alcohol because i've a feeling i may get myself very drunk. mind you we're going out saturday night for marcella's birthday so i'm trying to figure out a way not to drive. which is impossible seeing as no one lives close enough to me. whinge bitch whinge. and if it's cold tomorrow night i don't think i'll go out. on top of that it's pay day tomorrow and i'm having to give in and buy a carton of cigarettes so they should last me longer since i'm smoking close to a pack a day at the moment. i have to quit or tell mum at sme point.
so that's all about me. i had a massive ramble tonight. got a lot on my mind and am tired and my shoulder blades are burning like hell.
have a good weekend!

Monday, May 08, 2006

well the course was pretty good. gave me some great tips about travelling and cutting down costs in the u.s. which is really helpful considering all my holidays will be on a tight budget. it buggered me though. the course was from 6-9 on friday night then 10-6 on the saturday and sunday which seems alright but involved catching trains and sunday saw me having to leave the house before 7am to get to the station and catch the 7:15 cause the next one after that wouldn't have got me there in time. so when i woke this morning my body was so dead. and i managed to sleep through 3 text messages and the vibrating which is a fair effort for me.
matthew had the day off school today so he had a play date with his friend tommy which went well. i am looking forward to emily and i tomorrow though so i can have a break in the day. i ended up with a headache today which may have been caused by many things but it sot of killed me by the end of the day when alex decided to argue with me about homework. i still don't understand how she has to do the same thing every afternoon but still manages to cause a fight. although i'm pretty sure i did the same thing with my parents about dishes or something. not about homework. i don't recall much homework when i was at school...
so i'm probably going to work all weekend, which is fine as it gives me less of an opportunity to go and spend money. i'm off to dc in 3 weekends and i've pretty much no money saved. but i had my reimbursement from insurance come in today from the medication i had to get when i got sick when i first arrived and kellie is giving me the money for the kelly clarkson ticket i paid for on my credit card. of course i'm sending that money home though to go back on the credit card.
oh and i've worked out how i'll be able to find out if i've adopted the american accent, when i go through the drive thru at macca's and say coke and they understand straight off the bat then i'll know that i've picked it up. haven't yet though and need to start practising sounding more australian. no idea why but it'd fill up my day and plus sometimes i have this irish accent going on (no idea why and can't remember if i've mentioned it but i just started thinking with an irish accent one day) so it'll be a good way to get rid of that.
anyway, i've just been completely sidetracked with some mildly shocking news so end it here and say i hope everyone is well and have fun!

Friday, May 05, 2006

away for the weekend

so i probably won't be posting for a couple days but i have an excuse! i'm doing a course in the city over the weekend as part of the education component of the visa so i won't have time as i'll be leaving here at 7am both mornings and back after 8pm.
have a good weekend!

Wednesday, May 03, 2006


so i can't enrol until i take the silly test but in the meantime i've been trying to clear out my emails and mum and i have been emailing and i think i dobbed rachel in by telling mum the reaosn why rachel was out of sorts last week because (and i quote) of the whole mum and dad controlling thing. i failed to remember my mum might be hot headed. i also know that it was completely politically incorrect and should have steered clear. i on't think it's that bad but i don't know if she'll say anything to rachel and if she does then rachel isn't going to trust me. all of them tell me their bloody secrets and i'm expected to keep them all the time! i mean really. i'm tyring to lay blame elsewhere. actually. i'm making a complete mountain out of a mole hill right now. am waiting for the reply from her.


tonight was the season finale of one tree hill and i hate the way they leave you hanging there, wanting to know if the people will be saved or if they're dead. completely sucks.
anyway, good day today. alex had early release and was on the war path because she was tired and did get herself pretty worked up at one point with matthew but i somehow managed to diffuse the situation, yay for me!
tomorrow i'm off to the college to take my english proficiency test. already off to a great start as i had to do a dictionary search on how to spell proficiency. after that i will hopefully be able to enroll in summer classes. actually i could do it online, which i might do now...
anyway, apart from that fun not much else to be said. nothing has happened that is exciting and my credit card limit is even overdrawn! brilliant isn't it? i feel like i'm the one trapped in the limo that just drove off the bridge and we won't know if i survive until next season starts but will i even be here to see it or will i have to wait until i can get the season out on dvd when i get home and in which case is that then i will know that i won't drown in tiny debt that is going to drown me?

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

oh whatta day!

now that i've finished today and am shortly seeing myself off to bed it is 273 days until i finish working. now i didn't count for the excitement factor, like the two years before my 18th when i started the countdown, it was done because the kids yesterday asked if i was goin home in june and i was like, you want to get rid of me, you can't hide it, so for fun we counted how long it would be til i leave. it was all in good humour and the kids weren't being malicious. actually the past two days have been pretty good. the different tactic worked with alex yesterday and she didn't come home this arvo because she had girl scouts so i'll see how it goes tomorrow. i'm glad i only had emily and matthew today because i was under the weather. i woke up at 4:30am with what felt like one of the worst migraines i'd had for many years and i thought i was going to vomit but had no energy to get out of bed. i couldn't take a mersyndol because it would knock me out for 8 hours and i had to start work at 8am so i downed three nurofen plus, used a helluva lot of migrastick and tried to sleep. i was so exhausted when i woke up i was so thankful that i had between 11 and 2 off today because i slept for two hours of that to try and get myself better. now i feel a bit better but i couldn't do much with em today because my head is still touchy and my energy is non-existant. so she noticed that and was pretty whingy which didn't help things!
the weekend was alright. it was that miserable melbourne weather, when the day is grey and it's just raining, not heavily but that constant rain, heavier than drizzle. i love those days. so on the sunday arvo i had to get out of the house because greg and his mum were here and she made a few comments about the time i woke up which i got defensive about so i called some girls and ended up going to kellie's to watch a dvd and hang out there with her host mum's parents. kellie is so a part of the family. anyway, point of the story, kellie looks after a 3 and a half month old and sunday night i was positive i wanted kids again. i got rid of her hiccups! how special am i? yeah i was pretty chuffed about that! so kids are back on the agenda. even matthew has been super nice to me today. obviously they don't think i'm the evil monster i sometimes feel like i am!
i can't believe it's may!